Make a Difference Today
Your donation will deliver critical support for children in foster care. Your generosity will help children struggling with mental health challenges to heal. Your caring support will provide specialized education for children struggling with behavioral and developmental challenges.
Make a Difference Today
Your donation will deliver critical support for children in foster care. Your generosity will help children struggling with mental health challenges to heal. Your caring support will provide specialized education for children struggling with behavioral and developmental challenges.
Make a Difference in a Child’s Life
1. Donate today – CLICK HERE to make your donation online with a credit or debit card, or with direct bank debit.
2. Become a monthly supporter – CLICK HERE to set up your monthly donation online with a credit or debit card, or with direct bank debit.
3. Mail a Check – Please send your donation to UMFS, Attn: Development Office, 3900 West Broad St, Richmond, VA 23230.

Your gift supports…
Children in foster care, like Damonte.
Damonte’s mother was not able to care for him after his father died. At UMFS, Damonte was matched with a loving foster mother who helped nurture his kind-hearted spirit. He was able to learn the skills he’ll need to become a productive adult. Damonte recently celebrated his high school graduation and is looking forward to the next step in his journey.

Children with mental health challenges, like Mackenzie.
Mackenzie experienced severe trauma as a young child. Her behavioral and mental health challenges continued to escalate. When she was 13, Mackenzie came to UMFS and began a healing journey that would change her life. Today Mackenzie has a stable home and a job she enjoys. She shared that “I never would have thought I’d be where I am today.”
Special education students, like Sophia.
Sophia struggled with developmental challenges. She was easily distracted and overstimulated in a traditional classroom. That led to increasing behavioral challenges. The small class sizes and trauma-informed, therapeutic support at UMFS helped Sophia thrive. As her parents shared, “Sophia’s growth has been tremendous.”

Why Donors Support UMFS
“It’s exciting to say that we can commit money to something we feel strongly about. My wife and I are honored to give to UMFS because of their redemptive work in the lives of children and families in need. They help kids realize their intrinsic worth and potential and exemplify God’s compassion and heart in redeeming broken families. It is our joy to participate in such a beautiful mission of restoration.”

Contact Us
When you make a donation to UMFS, you are investing in the lives of high-risk children and families across Virginia. We deeply appreciate your support. Our development team is ready to help you and answer any questions you may have.
Kate Ockerman, Assistant Director of Stewardship and Engagement, 804.353.4461,
Julia Bowling Bell, Major Gifts Officer, 804.533.2947,
Sarah Beam, Annual Fund Officer, 804.495.2093,
Brenda Foster, Administrative Services Manager, 804.254.9450,
Donations can be mailed to the following address:
Development Office
3900 West Broad St
Richmond, VA 23230
We also offer you the option to DONATE ONLINE.
UMFS deeply appreciates the generosity of our donors and we are committed to providing ethical and respectful service and support. Our development professionals are members of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). We are committed to upholding the AFP Donor Bill of Rights. All donor information is stored in a secure database, and kept confidential to the extent provided by law. We never share our donor mailing list with other organizations. We produce an Annual Report each year which includes a Donor Honor Roll. Please contact us at if you prefer to be anonymous, or if you would like to review your personal information or update your mailing preference.
UMFS is proud to be a Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity, and to have earned a Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency.
More Ways to Give

Gifts of Securities
When you donate appreciated securities to UMFS, you receive several benefits. In addition to the standard tax deduction for making a charitable donation, you may also avoid the capital gains tax.

Gifts from Your IRA
Once you reach age 72, you must start taking the RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) from your IRA or 401K retirement account. Instead of taking the full RMD yourself, you can choose to make a QCD (Qualified Charitable Distribution) to UMFS, which may be tax free.

Join the UMFS 1900 Society to help high-risk children and their families become self-sufficient, contributing members of their communities, now and into the future. You’ll be empowering generations to come.
There are many ways to give, from leaving a bequest to UMFS in your will to gifts from your retirement plan or life insurance.

Workplace Giving
Employer Matching – Many employers match, double, or even triple gifts or volunteer hours made by their employees. Please check your employer’s plan for details.
State and federal campaign codes:
Combined Federal Campaign CFC #16010

Donor Advised Funds
We welcome grants from your donor advised fund. Our full legal name is United Methodist Family Services of Virginia, EIN#54-0505969. While some funds share your name with us when you make a grant, some do not. We want to thank you for your gift. We therefore encourage you to notify us when you make a grant at or 804.254.9450.
Donation Resources
How To Donate To Foster Care (Money, Time & More)
There are many ways you can help support foster children even if you aren’t ready or able to become a foster parent. Click below to learn more.
Benefits Of Donating Money Every Year
Donating money to charitable causes like UMFS directly benefits the people we serve as well as the donor. Click below to learn more.
Are Foster Care Donations Tax Deductible?
Your financial contributions help UMFS provide stable, secure, and loving homes for children in foster care. Click below to learn more about tax deductible donations.
Advantages of Making Donations
When you make a donation to a cause that’s important to you, you gain several advantages. Click below to read more.
How to Set Up a Birthday Facebook Fundraiser
Following these quick & easy steps to activate your network to help support high-risk children and families.
Create a Legacy
The UMFS 1900 Society
As someone who cares about leaving the world a better place than you found it, it’s never too soon to start thinking about your legacy.
When you make a planned gift to UMFS, you join the UMFS 1900 Society. Your gift is an investment in high-risk children and their families, helping them become self-sufficient, contributing members of their communities, now and into the future. You’ll be empowering generations to come.
Planned Giving Options
UMFS offers a range of approaches to create a legacy that will achieve your charitable and financial objectives.
Bequests by Will | Gift of Life Insurance | Gift of Retirement Plan (IRA, 401(k), etc.) | |
Your Goal | Make a gift to UMFS after your lifetime. | Utilize a life insurance policy to make a charitable gift, enabling you to make a larger gift than you might be able to make with other assets. | Make a gift to UMFS after your lifetime, and maintain control of your assets during your life. For information about making an IRA donation during your lifetime, CLICK HERE. |
How It Works | Designate UMFS as the beneficiary in your will or living trust, indicating a specific amount, percentage, or a share to UMFS. Please use our full legal name: United Methodist Family Services of Virginia, EIN #54-0505969. | Fill out a change of ownership form with your insurance company designating UMFS as the new owner. Please use our full legal name: United Methodist Family Services of Virginia, EIN #54-0505969. | Complete a beneficiary designation form that names UMFS as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. Please use our full legal name: United Methodist Family Services of Virginia. You can also include our EIN #54-0505969. |
Benefits | Estate tax charitable deduction. Use and ownership of your property and assets while you are alive. | Reduced income taxes and estate taxes. Maintain privacy since a life insurance gift is not a matter of public record. You can donate an existing policy or purchase a new policy specifically for charitable use. | Estate tax charitable deduction. Use and ownership of your property and assets while you are alive. |
Please CONTACT US to join the UMFS 1900 Society, or to talk with us further about your planned giving options.
Please consult your lawyer and financial or tax adviser for complete information on your personal legal, tax, and financial implications and situation.
Make your donation today>